2025 In Zone Enrolment Application
ID:0 | 24/10/2024 |
Recipient: Guest
Originator: Guest
1 1. General Student Information
2 2. Particulars of Caregivers
3 3. Address Information
4 4. Emergency Contact Details
5 5. Residential History
6 6. Privacy of Information
7 7. Enrolment Questionnaire
8 8. Proof of Identity
9 9. Documents to Support Proof of Residence
10 10. Documents to Support Student’s Address
11 11. Save and Submit
* Mandatory fields | 
Recipient Details

Full Name of person completing this application *

Email Address of person completing this application *
Particulars of Student

Please Complete all fields in lower case with a Capital for the first letter e.g John Smith not JOHN SMITH

Select the Form Level for which you are applying: *

Particulars of Student

Student Legal Surname (As it appears on the Birth Certificate *

Student Legal First Name *

Student Legal Middle Name

Student Legal First and Middle Initials (e.g. A.B.) *

Date of Birth *

Country of Birth *

Home Phone

Student Mobile

Student Email Address

Residential Address *

Suburb *

Post Code *

All students arriving from overseas, Date of Arrival in NZ

Eligibility *

Current School (or last attended) If Last School was not in NZ please select Overseas *

Primary Ethnicity *

Iwi (if NZ Maori)

If more than one Ethnicity please select all that apply

First Language *

Nationality *

Name of brother/s currently or previously at AGS & Class

Please Note:

Parents / Caregivers living in seperate households, we request the name and contact information for both parents regardless of custodial arrangements.
Particulars of Caregiver 1

Relationship to Student *

First Name *

Surname *



Email Address *

Home Phone

Work Phone

Mobile Phone (NZ Mobile Only) *

Currently Living with Student *

Legal Access to Student *


If you live at a different address from the student, do you wish to receive copies of the School report

If you live at a different address from the student, do you wish to receive financial requests
Particulars of Caregiver 2

Relationship to Student *

First Name *

Surname *



Email Address *

Home Phone

Work Phone

Mobile Phone (NZ Mobile Only) *

Currently Living with Student *

Legal Access to Student *


If you live at a different address from the student, do you wish to receive copies of the School report

If you live at a different address from the student, do you wish to receive financial requests
Particulars of Caregiver 3

Where there is a step-parent or partner living at the same address as the student and is a recognised Caregiver, please complete this section.

Relationship to Student

First Name




Email Address

Home Phone

Work Phone

Mobile Phone
Address Information

Students Primary Postal Address - In Zone residence

Mail to Whom: (e.g Mr A & Mrs D Smith) *

Address *

Suburb *

Town / City *

Post Code *

Country *

Who resides at this address *

Primary Email Contact *
Alternate Correspondence Address

If you have indicated that Caregiver 1 or 2 does not reside with the student please complete this section.

Mail to Whom: (e.g Mr B Smith)



City / Town

Post Code


Who resides at this address

Alternate Email Contact
Emergency Contact Details

Please provide ONE adult emergency contact. This can be a relative of friend.

(The emergency contact cannot be a parent or caregiver who is already named above. Parents will be called first but in the event there is no answer this contact will be called)

Full Name and Relationship to Student 
e.g Mrs Amanda Smith (Friend) *

Contact Number (Preferably Mobile) *
Residential Address History and Previous Schools Attended - 2020

Address(es) at Which Student has Lived at in 2020 *

Schools Attended in 2020 *

Name of Parents / Guardian With Whom Student Was Living in 2020 *
Residential Address History and Previous Schools Attended - 2021

Address(es) at Which Student has Lived at in 2021 *

Schools Attended in 2021 *

Name of Parents / Guardian With Whom Student Was Living in 2021 *
Residential Address History and Previous Schools Attended - 2022

Address(es) at Which Student has Lived at in 2022 *

Schools Attended in 2022 *

Name of Parents / Guardian With Whom Student Was Living in 2022 *
Residential Address History and Previous Schools Attended - 2023

Address(es) at Which Student has Lived at in 2023 *

Schools Attended in 2023 *

Name of Parents / Guardian With Whom Student Was Living in 2023 *
Residential Address History and Previous Schools Attended - 2024

Address(es) at Which Student has Lived at in 2024 *

Schools Attended in 2024 *

Name of Parents / Guardian With Whom Student Was Living in 2024 *
Privacy of Information

I agree to Auckland Grammar School collecting personal information on:

Full Name of Parent/Guardian *

Full Name of Student *

I acknowledge that the information I provide in relation to the student’s enrolment, and such updated information and other personal information collected from time to time by Auckland Grammar School, is collected for the purpose of: 

  • the Board and/or the School discharging their functions and obligations under the Education and Training Act 2020;
  • the administration of Auckland Grammar School;
  • providing for the student’s educational and general advancement;
  • maintaining student records;
  • accounting purposes of the Auckland Grammar School Board of Trustees;
  • communication with the Guardians/Parents of students;
  • incident reporting and the sharing of information to improve the health and safety and wellbeing of all at Auckland Grammar School; and
  • communication with Alumni, Auckland Grammar School Development Office, Auckland Grammar School Old Boys’ Association, NZ Qualifications Authority examination information, Special Education Services,  the Ministry of Social Development (Youth Services) and any other Government agency which may lawfully request such information from time to time.

I further accept that this information may later be used for statistical and/or research purposes and agree to its use for that purpose, provided that if the information is published in any way it will not identify me or the student. 

I authorise Auckland Grammar School to obtain from any person or organisation any of the student’s personal information required for the purposes of the Board and/or the School discharging their functions and obligations under the Education and Training Act 2020, and I authorise that person or organisation to disclose such personal information to Auckland Grammar School and/or the Board of Trustees of Auckland Grammar School.

I give Auckland Grammar School permission to use the student’s likeness in visual images in any of its publications including website entries; and in the media, without payment or any other consideration. 

I am aware that Auckland Grammar School uses video for teacher professional development purposes, and I authorise School staff to record lessons in which the student is present.

I am aware that, pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993, I have the right to access and correct my/the student’s personal information held by Auckland Grammar School. I shall notify the school of any change in my/the student’s personal information held by Auckland Grammar School as soon as is reasonably practicable. * *

I acknowledge that the information I provide in relation to my enrolment, and such updated information and other personal information collected from time to time by Auckland Grammar School, is collected for the purpose of: 
the Board and/or the School discharging their functions and obligations under the Education and Training Act 2020;

  • the administration of Auckland Grammar School;
  • providing for my educational and general advancement;
  • maintaining student records;
  • accounting purposes of the Auckland Grammar School Board of Trustees;
  • communication with the Guardians/Parents of students;
  • incident reporting and the sharing of information to improve the health and safety and wellbeing of all at Auckland Grammar School; and
  • communication with Alumni, Auckland Grammar School Development Office, Auckland Grammar School Old Boys’ Association, NZ Qualifications Authority examination information, Special Education Services,  the Ministry of Social Development (Youth Services) and any other Government agency which may lawfully request such information from time to time.

I further accept that this information may later be used for statistical and/or research purposes and agree to its use for that purpose, provided that if the information is published in any way it will not identify me. 

I authorise Auckland Grammar School to obtain from any person or organisation any of my personal information required for the purposes of the Board and/or the School discharging their functions and obligations under the Education and Training Act 2020, and I authorise that person or organisation to disclose such personal information to Auckland Grammar School and/or the Board of Trustees of Auckland Grammar School.

I give Auckland Grammar School permission to use my likeness in visual images in any of its publications including website entries; and in the media, without payment or any other consideration. 

I am aware that Auckland Grammar School uses video for teacher professional development purposes, and I authorise School staff to record lessons in which the student is present.

I am aware that, pursuant to the Privacy Act 1993, I have the right to access and correct my personal information held by Auckland Grammar School. I shall notify the school of any change in my personal information held by Auckland Grammar School as soon as is reasonably practicable. * *

Enrolment Questionnaire

The Education and Training Act 2020 gives a guarantee of enrolment to students whose usual place of residence is in the home zone specified in the School’s enrolment scheme. The Board needs to be sure that an in-zone address is genuine, because it is required to manage the enrolment scheme for the benefit of local students.
In addition to specific documents showing proof of residence, please complete the following questionnaire

Have you previously made an application for your son to attend Auckland Grammar School *

What is the address that will be the student's usual place of residence when the School is open for instruction: *

How long has the above address been the student’s usual place of residence? (Years & Months) *

Is this the student’s only residential address? *

If “no”, state the student’s other residential addresses

And the period of time he stays there? e.g. 50%, Weekends and Holidays only

Copy of any parenting agreement / access or custody order relating to the student

Do you own the property you have used as the enrolment address? *

What are your long-term residential plans? (Please provide a full answer) *

Do you currently own any other properties you have resided in over the last five years?

If "Yes", please state these addresses:

Who will be the first point of contact for the School on educational, discipline and welfare matters? *
Which schools do your other school age children attend?:



Year Level



Year Level



Year Level
Brother(s) who currently attend or have formerly attended Auckland Grammar School


Final Year


Final Year


Final Year
For all Students

Please Note:

  • Each Question can only upload one file.
  • All Pages for each question have to be scanned as one document.

Certified copy by NZ Justice of the Peace or Solicitor of Birth Certificate - English Translation if necessary *

Most recent school report (All Pages) - English Translation if necessary *
Proof of Identity - Students born OUTSIDE New Zealand

NZ Citizens: Certified copy of New Zealand passport or citzenship certificate

All other students: Certified copies of passport (first page)

All other students: Certified copies of Residency Permit or Student Permit, together with parents’ passports and residency or work permits

All other students: Entry Stamp showing date of first arrival in New Zealand

2 Documents to Support Proof of Residence:

Note: Documents must show your name and the address of the property

A copy of your most recent electricity account (all pages)

A copy of your most recent Account / Statement (all pages) for one of the following:

Broadband / Fibre, Car Insurance, Contents Insurance or other Utility

Owner Occupied Property

A copy of your most recent Auckland City rates notice or if the purchase has been within the last 3 months, a copy of the solicitor’s final settlement letter.

Trust properties must include a declaration from the Trustees declaring a right to occupy the property
Rental Property

A copy of your Tenancy Agreement. (All Pages)

Note: a current rental agreement acceptable to the Board for a genuine in zone address must be provided to Auckland Grammar School.

These agreements will be kept on file by the School. Minimum tenancy for initial enrolment is a one year fixed term agreement covering the student's first year at Auckland Grammar School.

Bond receipt from Tenancy Services

(Note: An lodgement form is not acceptable)

Previous Out of Zone Address

If you have moved to the enrolment address in the past 12 months from a property you owned, provide proof of what
has happened to your past address e.g. Proof of sale or final electricity account for that address.

If you have moved to the enrolment address from a rental property, provide the final electricity account for that address

Please note: You may be required to provide additional documentation for any of the above sections.
Please upload any additional documents you may like us to review as part of your application

Additional Documents #1

Additional Documents #2

Additional Documents #3

Additional Documents #4

Additional Documents #5
Statutory Declaration

Please upload the signed Auckland Grammar School Statutory Declaration

(Note: This must be certified by a Justice of the Peace or Solicitor)

You can download a copy of the Statutory Declaration here.

The declaration can only be signed once the student is physically residing at the in-zone address. *


Would you like to pay a Fifty dollar ($50.00) donation for administration costs (N.B All Donations are non-refundable) *

Donation Total: 0
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